Saturday, September 11, 2010

Where were you?

Where were you today, 9 years ago? It is something that is asked every September 11th. It was one of those moments that you remember every detail and those details you will never forget. I was a sophomore in high school, it was a beautiful day. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and there was enough breeze to make the warm air bearable. I was wearing light blue jeans, a yellow polo, and white tennis shoes. I remember going to 1st period, then going to 2nd. In 2nd period, which was Spanish class, we were acting out stories. It is eerie now, but we were acting out a plane crash and people needing help. Then I went to 3rd period, geometry class. I kept hearing something about the World Trade Center. I had no idea what that was or where it was or why it was being mentioned by so many people. Our teacher had the tv on, she told us what was going on, and we said a prayer. The class was silent. We literally saw the world stopping and crumbling. People were jumping out of the buildings. Smoke was filling the air, debris was filling the streets.

I remember my mom picking me up and I told her what was going on and she said she had been watching it at work. I didn't realize just how huge this was until I got home and saw all of the coverage on all of the networks. It was scary. It still is seeing the planes crash in to the WTC and the pentagon and going down in PA. It's something I'll never forget, and I hope that it's something that I'll never have to witness again. Even though we were hundreds of miles away, we still felt the effects of it. I remember hearing about how some people thought that the nuclear plant in Squatchie was going to be a target, everyone was on edge.

People say they remember where they were and what they were doing when JFK was killed or what was going on when the Challenger Space Shuttle exploded. My mom was ironing and I was asleep, I was just a few months old. I remember a kid in school was born the day it exploded. It's amazing that on a day like that or even 9.11, when lives are lost, lives are also being brought in to this crazy beautiful world. I read recently that parents schedule to have their babies before 9.11 because of the date. I wonder when that will stop? Instead of living in fear of this date, we should be stronger and unite as a country.

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