Thursday, August 5, 2010

How old am I?

I know that my generation is supposed to be the generation that grew up with technology and should (as my dad says) "just figure something out" that has to do with technology. Well. I can't. I can't figure out this stupid following thing. I followed myself for a good 3 days before I figured out how to un-follow myself and then I can't figure out how to follow others. This is pushing the point of being stressful.

I joined the gym again. I was becoming depressed about the itty bitty gym that is at my apartment complex. I got to the point where I was dreading going to in there. I decided to push myself (and my finances) and join the gym again. I was going to go to a Zumba class tonight, but then I thought I might want to stalk the premises before just to see what it was about. I'm not sure about it. It looked like it might be fun, but...I'm not so sure. Maybe next time. Maybe. I get bored with being on the treadmill or arc trainer, so I like to spice it up some. I'm scared to go back to spin class. I used to go minimum of 3 times a week (early in the morning too and I even went on Thanksgiving!) and I'm dreading that awful seat that my big seat will have to get used to being on again. I need to convince my mom that she needs to go back with me...hopefully it'll work!

Kenny's birthday is this Sunday and I'm excited about it, I think probably more than he is. It's silly, but I get more and more excited about my birthday as the years go on (probably because I keep telling myself that I'm only 21...). I know that when I hit a certain age, I'm sure the excitement will cease. But, we are cooking out and watching the Cowboys game...I know nothing about football. I'm probably one of the few southern girls who know 0 about football. I have 2 friends who know when to yell and get excited because they know what's going on, while I on the other hand only scream because everyone else is. It will be a good time with family and friends!

Last night, Kenny and I went to dinner with a few of my friends, Cortney and Michael. Michael is my student teaching friend, we call each other EBE buds (where we student taught together). EBE had no idea what they were getting into when they placed us together. There wasn't one week that we were there every single day. It was either going to UTC to get information about graduation, going to Central Office to fill out applications, going to...lunch :o)....every week we went some where. It was a horrible placement, I know how I do not want to teach now, but I'm glad I was able to share that experience with someone like Michael. Cortney and I go way back. Way back to middle school where we became friends over the Backstreet Boys. Ah, yes, boy bands. Love them. How can you not?! Cortney and I took several classes together at UTC and became really good friends during a trying times at UTC. Anyway, we met them for dinner (I do have about 4 friends!). We had a good time, minus the part it took an hour to get our food, so Chili's said it was on them. Thanks Chili's, you made me much happier since I didn't have to pay for it! :o)

1 comment:

  1. Football is sooo much fun! You should try to learn about it. I don't know everything, but I know enough to know what is going on and cheer b/c I know what's going on. :o)
